The Empire

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

"The Government, not Me"

Left wingers living in the western world can often be heard singing the above quote, when questions of terrorist attacks on their soil come up. In chorus they declare, "my government, not me". Meaning, those attacks against our people were wrong, they were...innocent people who lost their lives. The quote is often sung in response to the crimes that they commit in the rest of the world, which they conveniently blame upon their governments. As if the government is some group of aliens fresh from Mars, here on earth on a 5 year vacation.

"No, the government is you", ought to be the response. You are the government, by definition. If that government is doing anything, good or bad, you are. For without your sanction, the government you conveniently heap the blame upon, would not have been able to. It is not the Nazis who attacked Poland, the Germans did. It is not President Bush who attacked Iraq, the americans have. And that is true for all nations.

It is time their people stopped looking those who lost their lives or their legs on 9/11 as innocent. They were not. They have committed crimes in the Middle East, as indeed in several other parts of the world.

"Not them, their government". Let's put a stop to that.


  • "They"


    Perhaps you don't have a clue to who 'they' are, you just generalize amongst apples (race) and oranges(nationality) to get your disired anti-western kool-aid. have fun with that.

    By Blogger Clampett, at 4:38 am  

  • There is no need to generalize; the government is by definition representative of you all, the genralization is already there in your constitution. Though I know you are perfectly aware of your guilt, as indeed many of you are. Not going to be taken into this deliberate game white man, so give it up. 250 years of loot and destruction; we have had enough of you. Like I always said, it's "humanity versus the white race". Why the bother? You have certainly won for so long. Might keep winning for good, for all we know.

    By Blogger Atanu Bandyopadhyay, at 3:26 pm  

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