I still remember dancing to this song in front of my mum back in '93. Since then, I did get the audio of this song but never saw their video again. Thanks YouTube.
I had written this a few months back in response to a video linking martial law, conspiracy theories and 9/11. Let me know what you think.
Not that bad and complex :
I will try and put forward what I believe America is heading for in the coming years. My observations are not as bad as the reporter up there in the video, though not very far from that also.
We have to understand what america is ultimately. America is a nation that is built on the model of selective capitalism. I use the term selective because you do not find jungle capitalism in the USA as you do in some nations of east europe today. But what is selective capitalism? It is using the principles of capitalism, meaning a detatchment of the government when it comes to economic policies of the state, only when it suits the interests of a few people. Note, the government will of course step in when the interests of the minority is harmed, so it is not a free or pure capitalism. Also, the government will fund, subsidize and help those lucky businessmen whom it represents. That is very uncapitalistic, as we all know. So america is about allowing capitalism when it serves the interests of the rich, and not allowing capitalism if their interests are harmed. If you follow that, everything, and I mean, everything in the USA is only a follow up on that. Just keep the track of money in mind, see where it goes, and you can predict where america and her policies will.
But then you see, it is not only enough to want to make profits, one also has to be able to go and make them. Profits, most if not all businessmen know and I mean excessive profits of the kind made in America today, need two things basically. One, to keep the people unaware that those profits are made, at the people's expense. Hence, you have racism, war on christmas, women rights, abortion, etc meant to deviate the american public's mind from the real issue that matters, money. Also they help in keeping the public divided, issues like racism and gay bashing. So the aim again : " Keep the public involved in other issues and preferably also divide the public. Resistance can be curbed thus"
The second aim of the business class in the USA is to have a stable society, for all businessmen know that stability is a must for business. Haven't we all seen how local businesses are affected during times of floods and famines? The fascism we see above is for a stable society, one that can be controlled against those elements who can instill instability. Nothing ominous or complex about it. If I am robbing you in a certain system, then I would like that system to remain so that I can keep up with my robbery. Yes, if you start finding out and create mayhem, sure I have to take care of you and bring you and that system back, for my own sake.
Believe me at it's root, it is that simple.
A glance at our lives will tell us that we are a little better than slaves. We are working harder and harder for the same standards of living. That can only mean, using some basic math, that more and more of what we make go into the hands of our employers, the business class. And they are in a monopoly for there aren't many like them. Meaning, we cannot complain; if we do, then we will most likely get fired and end up jobless. We all know how easy it is for the businessman to replace a worker. And how hard it is for the worker to find another job, i.e. replace the businessman. That's capitalistic monopoly. About 9/11 :
Many americans do not know that the administration has not only been robbing the citizens, it has also been robbing other people in faraway lands, for profits of course. Those people did not realise also, and have therefore elected governments that allowed the american government to do that. Today they are realizing, and fighting the US administration and american people back. 9/11 was a result of those people fighting the US back, it was no conspiracy. Those attacks were inevitable; we cannot expect the outside world to be robbed by those we elect. And the way that nation has responded to that event only means that more of those will follow. It is not about any government cover up, it was a classic terror act, asking the people to wake up and stop what their administration has been doing. If you do not want those attacks again, then I believe you indeed should be waking up. Take your country back from the administration and the businessmen it represents, and give it back to the people. You are the people, the ball is in your goal.
The Spanish were prompt nevertheless to realize the reason the attacks happened. As we all know, they came onto the path of justice and pulled their troops back from Iraq. They realised something white people rarely do : "What's present in another nation belongs to the people who live there, not to you".
If you are a white reading this, I understand your near total disagreement. So send your troops to our lands to steal what is ours. And we will send ours to your lands and do you the justice that you deserve anyway.
Left wingers living in the western world can often be heard singing the above quote, when questions of terrorist attacks on their soil come up. In chorus they declare, "my government, not me". Meaning, those attacks against our people were wrong, they were...innocent people who lost their lives. The quote is often sung in response to the crimes that they commit in the rest of the world, which they conveniently blame upon their governments. As if the government is some group of aliens fresh from Mars, here on earth on a 5 year vacation.
"No, the government is you", ought to be the response. You are the government, by definition. If that government is doing anything, good or bad, you are. For without your sanction, the government you conveniently heap the blame upon, would not have been able to. It is not the Nazis who attacked Poland, the Germans did. It is not President Bush who attacked Iraq, the americans have. And that is true for all nations.
It is time their people stopped looking those who lost their lives or their legs on 9/11 as innocent. They were not. They have committed crimes in the Middle East, as indeed in several other parts of the world.
"Not them, their government". Let's put a stop to that.